Hi-Intensity Dance Exercise based on BMC®

Sara K. Vogeler

COURSE IS ON ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2881415085

Home office: 60 Sutton Place South, #7EN, NY NY 10022

Primary office: The Cornell Club, 6 E. 44 Street, Fitness Dept., NY NY 10017

Date and Time

ONGOING CLASSES: Mondays 9am, Wednesdays 9:15, Fridays 9am Eastern for 60 minutes 



Pay from the heart, $5 -$10 donation through Venmo (https://www.Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/Sara-Vogeler, 

or through Zelle to NMCmover@gmail.com


Fun class based on embryological principles and reflexes. Starts slowly with lymphatic warm-up and builds into weight lifting and floor mat to great music. Works the whole body to strengthen, integrate, build neuroplasticity and stimulate all the bones, muscles, organs, glands and fluids. You'll love it!

Intructor's Bio

Sara K. Vogeler, BMC®, RSMT, MSMT/E, LMT, MFLCI, AOMT 
Director and Founder of The NeuroMuscular Center, Inc.
--Natural pain relief for a powerful body and peaceful mind!


Body-Mind Centering® Senior Certified Teacher and Practitioner, 
ISMETA Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist
NYS Licensed Massage Therapist 
Moving for Life: Dance Exercise for Health® Certified Instructor
Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy for TMJ
ACE-Certified Personal Trainer 
Orthopedic Exercise Specialist
Bachelor of Science in Dance Therapy, New York University

Apprenticed with the Erick Hawkins Dance Company, choreographed and toured with David Woodberry, Pauline DeGroot, Andy DeGroat, Phyllis Rose
In practice 50 years
Live Offerings in Person:

Intelligent Massage®
Blood Sugar Balancing and Intermittent FastingTraining
Breast Health and Thermography
Corrective Exercise and Somatic Movement Rehab for Injuries
Developmental Movement Therapy for Motor Delays
Repatterning the Brain: TBI, Parkinson's, and Alzheimers
OroMyofunctional Therapy for TMJ

Patient Advocate at medical appointments and hospital stays

Events online: 

•BMC®-Hi Intensity Dance Exercise on MWF 9:00am-10:00am EDT
•Body-Mind Centering® Study Groups and private lessons
•Monthly Living Anatomy® seminars online 

•12-wk seminar “A Revolutionary Approach to Natural Pain Relief"


Social Media:





Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/TheNMCenter, https://www.facebook.com/sara.vogeler.1/

Join my Facebook group:




My book on Amazon is called The 10 Best Ways to SUPERCHARGE your Health!

My online course entitled "Stop Pulling Your Hair Out: The 7 Winning Strategies to Lovingly Raise Your ADHD Child!"
Available here: https://app.mastermind.com/masterminds/37888

Contact and Payment

Join class here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2881415085

Text Sara at 1.646.408.6419 to let her know you're coming! 

You can pay on Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Sara-Vogeler,

Or Paypal: https://paypalme.com/saravogeler

or Zelle to NMCmover@gmail.com

NMCmover [at] gmail [dot] com
NMCmover [at] gmail [dot] com
NMCmover [at] gmail [dot] com