Engaging organs, glands & bones in movement: A BMC℠ workshop for yoga, Pilates & dance teachers

Kim Sargent-Wishart

Kyo Yoga Garden Studio
73 The Esplanade, Ocean Grove, Australia

Date and Time

Saturday March 2nd, 2-5pm


$55/50 concession


This 3-hour workshop is for movement teachers who want to bring more somatic attention and embodied anatomy into their teaching. We will focus on engaging specific organs and glands, and explore how they support alignment, strength and expression through the skeleton.

The organs are the landscape of our innermost vitality. When fully inhabited, the organs can bring a deep, easy support to movement and presence, while expanding one’s range of expression. The endocrine glands underlie our internal responsiveness and hormonal fluidity, and can take us beyond individual movement experience to archetypal forms. When brought into alignment with the skeletal system pathways, the organs and glands can support, express, extend, exalt, and ground our movement practices.

Workshop time will include instruction in BMC embodied anatomy and physiology, guided movement explorations, hands-on exchange, and opportunities for participants to generate applications to their own teaching practice. This will include practice teaching in small groups, in order to share ideas and foster creative practice in a supportive environment.

Following the workshop there will be time for tea and conversation in the beautiful Kyo garden; a chance to get to know your fellow local movement explorers!

Intructor's Bio

Kim Sargent-Wishart (RSME, PhD) is an artist, researcher and educator specializing in somatic movement methodologies across a range of applications, including continuing education, creative development and leadership. Research interests include embryology as a model for embodiment and creative practice, the life cycle, things we leave behind, contemplative photography & perceptual process, and everyday beauty.

She has a BA with Honors in Dance from Wesleyan University (Connecticut, USA) and a PhD in Performance Studies from Victoria University (Melbourne, Australia). She is a certified practitioner of Body-Mind Centering and a Registered Somatic Movement Educator (ISMETA), and currently in the BMC Teacher Training program. Kim has taught movement education with a focus on Pilates since the early 1990s in San Francisco, and before that trained as a massage therapist and bodyworker. Kim has been a student of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for over 20 years. Her arts practice is influenced by the practices of Miksang photography, community-based screendance, and dance/movement improvisation.

Contact and Payment

Bookings at trybooking.com/BAIYO.

kimsargentwishart [at] gmail [dot] com
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