Embryology: embodying space and origin of life

Federica Antonelli, Eleonora Parrello

on line on ZOOM

Date and Time

30 January - 13 February - 13 March

h 10-12 CET


whole series: 50 euro - drop in: 20 euros


Experiencing of space, stillness and fluid relation within our first four weeks of life, from conception to the development of the embryo.

We will explore the potential nourishing cellular memories and orientation in space, and how that potential is still informing our presence today.

The classes are experiential offering movement, touch, breathing so as moments of sharing and study of elements of anatomy.

Classes will be in italian and english


Intructor's Bio

Certified BMC Teachers and Practitioners

eleonora.parrello.mi [at] gmail [dot] com
fediantonelli [at] gmail [dot] com