"Breathing" BMC® online class

Nina Wehnert

Online Class

Date and Time

Thursdays 10h-11.15h CEST


During this Corona-period I lost all my work and income. I am very thankful for any support you can give, but I know that many of you are in the same situation as me. Pay if and as much as you can, a possibilty is: 5-10€ through https://www.paypal.me/ninawehnert


These classes are about breathing. We will explore different structures related to the breath. We will look at anatomical images, touch ourselves, move, feel, sense and breathe!!

Intructor's Bio

Nina Wehnert is a certified BMC® Teacher, dancer and yoga teacher.

Contact and Payment

For log-in details please contact me directly.

ninawehnert [at] gmx [dot] de